So today, I tried to make up for my lack of bicycling breakfast by pedaling to Colossal in south Minneapolis. Unfortunately, it was perhaps the first time in two years I didn't have cash with me and Colossal only accepts cash or local check. So that was a no go and I'll have to try again. The Hot Plate didn't open until 8:00, fully 45 minutes later, and although I started to hoof it up to Longfellow, I changed my mind and decided just to go home instead. A bowl of Trader Joe's pseudo Cherrios was not a great alternative to breakfast at a new place, but I fixed it by making buckwheat and blueberry pancakes and banana and mango pancakes for lunch and storing a bunch for the week.
It is WET out there. Hmm...I think I mushed my pictures a big. Flickr doesn't link the same way it used to (well, the navigation is different) so I'm still ironing out some news kinks. Fair trade for it being free. So here's what I saw on the trail near the Mendota Bridge. Enough rain that the cliffs are starting to be unstable. You could hear it yelling about what a bastard the cliff on the other bank was and that it was going to throw all it's shit out the window and that was my sister for f*ucks sake! and more. I'm sure they're finding it a competent therapist.
It doesn't surprise me it's unstable. Last time I went down into St. Paul there were a few large rocks next to the trail and one on the trail. It's obviously getting a bit wet and dangerous.

This is near Lake Nokomis and Lake Hiawatha. That garbage in the near part of the frame is everywhere along the walking trail. It's like it cleaned up everywhere, and then dumped it on the tar.

Here's a better picture and you can see all the flotsam and jetsam. No Ariel though.

And here it is on the trail at Lake Hiawatha. I went offroad at that point.

I forgot to mention it was darn cold as well. A nice cold front rolled in on Saturday, so at 5:45 a.m. there was a ton of fog and it was chilly enough to make my hands ache and the dew bead up on my track suit (just the top - I'm not a wise guy). This was much later; closer to 8:15. At least at this point I could see the cars coming about the time I heard them. Earlier I'd hear noise and not see anything until it was on top of the intersection. I find it difficult to believe anyone drives around in pea soup fog without lights on.

I zoomed in a bit to catch the church on the far side of Mendota Bridge. Downright Cotswolds in nature.

So a nice ride. We rounded out our weekend with Edge of Tomorrow: Starship Troopers meets Groundhog Day, which both Eryn and I really enjoyed. Eryn caught The Fault In Our Stars, which I managed to avoid, with mom. We played Settlers of Catan and Compounded at Ring Mountain (and found a quart of reserved Chocolate Chili Pepper Gelato for me!). And today, as a graduation gift, I got Eryn Star Trek of Catan which she spent hours mulling over and playing with, despite only having one family game. I'm getting a reputation as a bit of a pain in the ass when it comes to gaming because I win so much in our family games. I got lucky in Star Trek of Catan because I used Nurse Chapel to steal a resource from Pooteewheet, which resulted in stealing longest road, and then I couldn't get rid of Nurse Chapel (you have to use it against someone with more points, and that act put me in the lead). But it worked out well because it locked her down and no one was taking the excellent resource distribution I was getting late in the game. On the bad side of things, I discovered the drive on my lawnmower isn't working appropriately anymore and I had to push mow the hill that is the back yard. So I'm feeling fully exercised.
That's freakin' hilarious. Wanna see a picture *I* took Sunday morning? Here.
You should wake up earlier. Or invite me on your rides.
What time were you there? I think I rolled through about 6:45 a.m. I know I was at Colossal at about 7:00 (which is what I was aiming for).
Probably around 6:15.
I could have done 6:15 - Colossal is open at 6:00. I try to find some quiet time at breakfast before the family is awake. I'll let you know if I'm up early in the future (not next weekend - paintball).
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