Saturday, October 16, 2004

Freeway Blogger

Minnesota Politics notes that the Freeway Blooger's Freeway Free Speech Day has a number of pictures taken in Minneapolis (about one a page, lots of pages). I far prefer these to the homeless-looking guy in Eagan who stands on the 77 and 35E bridges waving his American flag. I can't tell what he's trying to say (and never could, contrary to anyone who might say that's because the patriotism behind it has become diluted).

We got our Teresa Daly sign in our front yard yesterday, it's right next to our John Kerry sign. My hopes for her winning are slim, this being south of the cities and all - but we can always vote and hope. I've been enjoying the banter and bickering in the community newspaper between her supporters and the other guy's supporters - the locals are incensed that she's being supported by Makes me wonder what the local letters say about Patty Wetterling in her newspaper.

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