I didn't even know this brewery - North 20 - even exited. Right in my own hood, relatively speaking, over between Thomson Reuters and Rosemount. Pretty new from the looks of things, particularly the bathrooms. Beautiful patio overlooking a grassy farm valley. I thought I was lost for a while when I turned onto a dirt road. Gotta say, I'm glad I got to the brewery before the school busses started cruising down that dirt road, because they were barreling, and it wasn't very wide.
16.09 miles, 666 feet of ascent.
It's VERY new looking. Nice and clean. I hope the TR folks discover it as an alternate happy hour location. It's much nicer than Union 32 imo. Not quite the variety when it comes to appetizers, but I prefer not being gouged by the ounce. The Crafttapped people were there for an event. A bunch of TR co-workers used to be part of that system and the coordinator remembered at least one I mentioned. I ponder signing up for it...at least in the summer, it would pick my location for me.

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