We kicked off the afternoon at The Hen House downtown. A very good breakfast.

And an amusing way of differentiating the women's restroom from...

...the men's restroom.

Here we are at Macy's and the statue of David, who changed floral patterns every few seconds. As you can tell, Eryn isn't exactly keen to be there. In the grand scheme of laser tag, amusement parks, state park trips, and board game excursions, I think this ranked lowest on her list. If only the Betsy Tacey museum had opened three days earlier, I could have made her think back fondly on the flower show as more interesting.

I liked the Starry Night flower exhibit, although it was screaming, SCREAMING, for a Tardis, either in the painting or installed alongside.

I feel this is part of our daily excursion because it's in the parking ramp. What are they trying to do to bicyclists? It looks like a glorified mouse trap. Hey, follow these signs to this dimly lit, locked cage full of dirt and various other things. Put your bike in there...go on...it's safe. At least if you're under 7'0".

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