These top 10 bizarre recordings (via Rex at Fimoculous) live up to their hype. Just plain weird. My sister and mother might like to hear Florence Nightingale talking. And while I don't think the sounds of hell or exorcism are particularly exciting, the last 40 minutes or so of Jonestown are downright creepy, and Pooteewheet might enjoy the Jonestowner who begins, "I used to be a therapist…” I think Kyle will appreciate the super high note, I'm just sorry that there was no recording of Le Pétomane for him.
If you enjoy the bizarre recordings, these video links from Listverse are amusing as well:
I think I saw someone with goiter at the Mall of America. I've never seen anyone with goiter except in 3rd grade nutrition studies. I always figured it was just something people caught a hundred years ago, like rickets.
The population of Eagan is/was 65,337 people. This doesn't seem like a lot, until you realize that 65,337 bears wandering around an area the size of Eagan would be a freaky number of bears. 65,337 alligators...same deal. Good nutrition has blinded me to the plight of others.
At the Mall, they were selling an ultimate collector Lego Millennium Falcon for $499.99, pre-order for delivery on October 1, no more than five per person. "Not eligible for loyalty stamps at time of pre-order." What?! If I buy $2500.00 worth of Legos, my frequent-buyer club is no good? But that's the definition of loyalty. At least where Legos are concerned. If I was super rich, and not of a mind to fund scholarships rather than waste money, I'd find it amusing to buy five Millennium Falcon Lego sets and build anything but Millennium Falcons out of them.
Our neighborhood took another hit from another storm the other night (the 28th). Pooteewheet and I both woke up around 3:00 a.m. to a window display that made it look like our house was in a carwash. A carwash with strobing disco lights. Seemed worse than the storms that had done so much tree damage in the weeks before, but when I looked out the window at 6:00 a.m., I didn't see any obvious damage. On the way to work I saw some in adjoining neighborhoods, however. And then Pooteewheet called me at 7:00 a.m. to ask if I'd seen the neighbor's tree immediately to the back right of our house. I can't tell if it fell down in the hour I was gone because the ground is saturated, or if I'm just blind as a bat. Missed the neighbor's house, so that's good. And with three (point five - that willow on the right in the picture isn't doing so hot) willows down behind our house, we're likely to see fewer fronds in our yard. Of course, then we have to see more of our neighbors. I'm hoping none of them likes to walk past the windows naked like the old neighbors directly behind us liked to before they sold. You can see the rest of the pictures in this set.
It might be fun to build the Millenium Falcons, hang them from chords, and smash them into each other until nothing is left but a litter of Lego shards on the floor. THEN build anything but Millenium Falcons out of them. This sort of desecration would be the sort of thing to horrify the "Don't take the Lego parts out of their box, you'll ruin the collectable value!" collectors :)
I must say, when I saw the title of your post, I thought you meant Willlow as in the movie. It's really the only reason I originally read the post. I'm very disappointed. You could at least have thrown in a gratuitous photo of Joanne Whalley....
I meant a little bit of indirection with Willow in the title. I thought that might get you to read to the end, given your obsession with Warwick Davis and Billy Barty, and I thought it would get Mean Mr. Mustard to read to the end given his obsession with all things Buffy and, specifically, all things Alyson Hannigan.
That still doesn't explain why you couldn't have thrown in a gratuitous photo of Joanne Whalley....
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