Thursday, September 21, 2006


Unblague notes that the Webb v. Allen race in Virginia has gone negative. Well, we're turning some new corners of our own here in the Wetterling v. Bachmann race.

With regard to 2000 and 2002, the NRCC statement strongly implies that Wetterling didn't vote at all, which is misleading. But with reference to 2004, Wetterling voted in both the primary and the general elections. NRCC spokesman Jonathan Collegio says Wetterling didn't vote in the 2004 "presidential preference ballot."

There was no presidential primary in Minnesota. But, as DFLers entered their precinct caucuses in March, they were offered a chance to express a preference for a presidential candidate, although it had no effect on delegates to the nominating convention.

1 comment:

Scooter said...

You're a very patient person to work with politicians, Goon.