Some people get to go to restaurants frequented by members of the Rat Pack, Sinatra, Tom Jones, nobel laureates,, I get to go to a restaurant beloved by Martin Kove. Who? Martin Kove. You know, Ericson in Rambo II, Detective Victor Isbecki on Cagney and Lacey, Cobra Kai Sensei, John Kreese in Karate Kid II. That Martin Kove - he sends his love from the Friendly Dolphin in Rocky Point. He wasn't there when I was; but his message "We need food mercenaries like you in our next Rambo" really struck a chord with me. Here is posing with my favorite actress, Tyne Daly.
And remember, "No mercy."
I did not buy some, so don't even ask. We drove by this sign every day, sometimes twice, and I finally remember to make my Dad drive past it while the digital was on the ready. I think the stand was run by David Duchovny.
Eryn's had her picture taken with death before at the Blubber Run. She was a little nervous about it this time, because she can run away instead of being restrained by a stroller. She refused to the male death - apparently he's creepier than death in a dress and Easter hat with a bomb for an umbrella.
Wouldn't this look nice in your front yard? I'm not sure if he's a Michael Jackson impersonator or if he's just hitting puberty and a bit itchy. Maybe he's got crabs. All I know is I wouldn't pay for a statue of a cowboy grabbing his crotch.
My friend Dan'l asked me to bring him some Mezcal. I'm sure his wife was really hoping I'd forget. I did forget. But I wandered around the liquor store on the border looking at alcohol until I remembered what it was he wanted. It's in my bag - a full litre of real Mexican 38% alc. by volume Mezcal.
...and he'd better eat the worm.
What I really wanted was to buy Dan'l this little number and put his Mezcal/worm in it, but I was 99.9% certain that his wife would pitch it before it ever entered the house (it's got a bottle embedded in it).
For my sister and mother - if they don't have this license plate holder, they really need it.
My absolute favorite picture from vacation so far. Damn does that puma look hungry.
From our condo in Mexico. They folded up all the towels like swans. Some of them were swans kissing swans. But you just can't be that fancy when your swan is sitting on a toilet waiting for you to lift it up and worry about whether you forgot to brush your teeth with bottled water instead of tap water.
Eryn experiencing her first topless Mexican holiday and not being impressed. I wholeheartedly approve.
We're touching her puppy ya ingrates...her puppy!
The gift I did not buy Pooteewheet.
Yeah, he's riding a giant shrimp. Shrimp is very important to Rocky Point - so they have some old man riding one as a memorial. It's kinda creepy and a bit weird, but unique enough that it stands out compared to a guy on a horse (for instance).
What, you don't think the "BITCH" towel/rug/whatever it is would look great in my office?
...and, HA HA, you were somewhere Tyne Daly was! And you had to know about it!
I was SO hoping you would forget about Dan's request. Oh well, at least you didn't buy that ugly booze holder.....
What's your parents' phone number? My Dad has been trying to email them with a question....
Funny when it's a licence plate holder. NOT funny when you are a nurse at work in a hospital and write things like "All the patience have stool softener on board and are breast feeding."
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