6/1/2023 - Metronome Brewing in downtown St. Paul, near CHS Field. Are you getting the impression I'm spending a little bit too much time at breweries? I am. I think I'll be slowing this down a little and targeting something breweries further out. It's weird to spend so much time bicycling and having a mid-ride beer that I'm deeply behind in blogging about where I went.
Rained on me on the way to Metronome. Not too bad. A few spots on the way had obviously barely missed me, but when I got into downtown at the bridges it drizzled on me. Fortunately I carry dry shorts and bike jerseys dry fast. I picked Metronome for 6/1 because they were donating part of their beer sales to the Pride celebration/activities for Pride month. I had a lot of options, but Metronome seemed optimal because Sarah Morris was playing at Mears, and I thought I'd kill two birds with one stone.
The bartender there talked bicycles with me for quite a while. Great guy. That's a fun brewery. I'm reading Fordlandia about Ford's company owned rubber town in Brazil. Crazy book.

I sent this photo to Aeryn. They played oboe before bassoon. They still hate it when we say that bassoons are simply big oboes.

If you get a chance to go there, seems like there's constant live music [a group was setting up while I was there] and the mosaic on their wall is amazing. The bartender said that there had been another brewery there previously that had tile art on the wall, so they hired the same artist to come in and tile over his own work.
After Metronome, I headed over to Mears Park to see Sarah. And have some mini corndogs, an ice cream cone, and another beer from Wabasha Brewing. So I'm going to add them, even though I wasn't reading anything different. But the ad hoc nature of getting a Wabasha beer from so close to their brewery during live music....I'll call it a tacit check in the box.
Sarah's funny. She was wandering around the park during the previous act eating a big salad out of a tupperware bowl, moving from place to place. I believe she's setting up merch here. Her mom or grandmother was her official merch rep for the event.

I had a great spot, but when I went to get a beer a woman and her boyfriend sat down AND MOVED MY HELMET TO TAKE MY SPOT. Asshats. I sat nearby, but my other spot was better/shadier. The boyfriend kept hitting his elbow on my bicycle that was leaning against the rock. He'd glower at me, but I'm absolutely certain if you steal a cyclists spot while s/he's getting a beer, you deserve to be hoisted on your own petard.
Great music. Great venue. HUGE turnout. The park was packed.

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