Saturday, December 19, 2015

Arrow Awards 2015

I won tickets to the Arrow Awards, so I picked a date that allowed us to celebrate our 22nd annivesary.  We got an extra ticket for Eryn, went to Christo's for a family dinner, and then enjoyed the best advertising has to offer.  A warning...this is full of spoilers if you're going to the awards at the Walker at some point.  If you not, they're usually public domain (e.g. on YouTube), so I'll share the ones I liked that weren't particularly serious (there were some good commercials for the anniversary of WWI in the UK, Fuck the Poor, anti-Elephant Riding, anti-domestic violence, et al. If you want to see a more in depth play list, someone has put one together out on YouTube at

Sainsbury's Christmas 1914

Levi's Just Don't Bore Them

Jagermeister Journey to Surf

Netflix Superfan

Three - Sing it Kitty

Dave of MoneySuperMarket gets Bootylicious

Call to Arms (known by Lynx in the UK)

Merry Beeping Christmas (Oral B)

M&S Back to School

John Lewis Monty the Penguin

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