We finished up in about 2 hours. That was a quick ride. Doesn't seem that quick, but for some mountain bikes/sport bikes in the mix and some stop-go, it was darn quick. Here were are: me, Larry, Erik, Ming, and Alan. It was nice to have Erik back after a long hiatus.

I tried to shoot ahead to get some pictures at one point, running along at 20 mph on my bike with some guys on road bikes. I didn't get very far ahead and it was tiring, having not biked a longer distance in a month and a half, but it was far enough for a few photos.
Ming and Erik at the top of what's sort of the last hill, right before Como Park.

Larry - same hill (see the tree?), giving the wave.

Larry biked with this guy. They coordinated shirt colors before the ride so they'd look like a team.

Woo! Woo! CRUSHING IT! Same hill, but with some posing.

Alan was too fast, so I couldn't get a picture of him on the hill. But here is at our usual post-ride breakfast haunt, The St. Clair Broiler. For as long as I can remember, he's worn the same orange Pub and Putt shirt on the ride. This year he was out to confuse me. He admitted to considering it.

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