We made it to Tall Brad's Chili fest this year. But I don't want to talk about it because we didn't even make the top three. I don't care. Our chili was plenty good. I've resigned myself to the fact that we don't generally compete with anything Minnesotans consider chili. They get all wigged out over a bit of andouille. I should have brought the other batch that's in the freezer. It was much hotter.
Here's our recipe, the M3 chili, although this time we called it 3M.
The kids were excited about the leaves. They went next door and picked them out of the gutters and brought them over to Brad's house to leave in the yard.

And in Mean Mr. Mustard's hoodie. YOU DAMN KIDS!!! I KNOW WHO YOUR PARENTS ARE!!! DON'T THINK I WON'T TELL THEM WHAT YOU DID ON MY YARD....CHAIR...HOODIE!!!! Although I think I was the crabby one once they declared some sort of stuff-the-leaves-in-the-adults-clothes-rather-violently game.

Lisa and daughter. Brad didn't manage to get a picture of them, so I took one so I could send it to her.

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