Friday, May 14, 2010

Self Esteem

I was in the bathroom stall at work today when someone ambled into the otherwise empty bathroom. I couldn't see anything, but heard the familiar noise of a belt and zipper, followed by a brief pause. Then, "Nice move!" After which peeing commenced.


Cookiequeen said...

Sometimes we all just need a little extra encouragement....

Kyle said...

Maybe he peed on himself before getting everything aimed in the right direction?

Speaking of which, I'm thinking about getting some sort of target for the urinal at the office (or maybe floating some Cheerios in it) after being unable to figure out how/why someone there managed to pee on top of it. It wouldn't be so bad if it only happened the one time, but sadly that's not the case.

Hey! Maybe I just need a sign that states, "If you can't pee INTO the urinal, maybe you need go sitting down" That might just do the trick....

Mac Noland said...

Maybe Scooter had a back stall with two newspapers. He was probably complementing you for your good luck.