Saturday, September 11, 2004


Joe notes that there's less talk of terrorism this 9/11 than past anniversaries and wonders if the lack of hype is due to the politicism the event has gained, presumably from the Bush administration and events like the Republican National Convention. I hope it's fear of a negative reaction, or some semblance of decency, or even nothing going on...I hope it's anything that depoliticizes the event and allows us to quietly reflect without shouts of partisanship and fear.

I received a nice, short message from our upper management yesterday asking that we observe a few moments of silence today to honor those from our company who died during that event, one in the air and ten at the World Trade Center, that seems more than appropriate considering that I was at work when I learned about the attack, barely months after I'd officially started working for the company. Christy came down and asked if I'd heard about a plane hitting the towers and we both went upstairs to watch the company television while it unfolded.

I really hope they do something nice with the site - I saw this one on the news the other day - absolutely beautiful. Michael Arad, New York, NY and Peter Walker, Berkeley, CA - Reflecting Absence. Other pictures can be found at the Memorial Competition web site.


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