Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Young and Innocent

Kyle and I went to Bridge on the River Kwai on Sunday.  Unfortunately, as the title sequence started, it became obvious it wasn't what we were expecting. I think it was the title "Young and Innocent" that gave it away.  Fortunately, it wasn't some sort of Trash Film Debauchery soft core porn...maybe I don't mean fortunately, that would have probably been amusing...but an Alfred Hitchcock flick from 1937.  We'd paid.  We had popcorn.  We were prepped for awakeness with an infusion of Peace Coffee.  So we stayed.

Afterwards, we agreed that the suspense factor of 1937 didn't hold up well today.  Basic plot: actress dies and is found on a beach.  Women see man running away from the body (he's going to get help).  Dead actress has been strangled with the man's raincoat belt.  Man escapes from police, meets police commissioner's daughter, and because he seems so wonderful, they seek his raincoat.  They find it, courtesy of a bum and a bar fight.  But it's no help until they find the matches in the pocket and the bum recalls the man who gave him the raincoat had a two-eyed nervous blinking habit.  The follow the matches to the hotel where the murderer, a very bad drummer in a blackfaced band, od's on tic-control medication to stop his blinking and ends up drumming worse, almost passing out, and spontaneously confessing to the murder.  Of his wife.  Bit different from CSI where they always start with the spouse.

It's been a good run at the Trylon.  My wife, Eryn, and I went to Big Trouble in Little China which neither of them had seen and both enjoyed. And my sister and I went to Resilience, about a Korean adoptee in Sioux Falls, SD, who had been given to international adoption by his aunt and grandmother while his mother was at work.  She'd assumed he was in Korea with a rich family, not in South Dakota with a family that was falling apart.  It was an interesting look at a specific case that was very sad in many respects, both from an adoption perspective and from the perspective of being poor and family dynamics being, well, often sad.  I hated the scene where he decides to go to Korea to find work and live with his birth mother to get some space between him and his crazy adopted mom and his separation. The older of his two little girls is obviously devastated while his younger daughter laughs, obviously not understanding what it potentially means that her father is headed to the other side of the world.  It's good to know that he's back in his daughter's lives by the end of the movie.

On a less glamorous note, before Resilience, my sister and I went to Midori's Floating World for sushi and when I came out, I had a parking ticket.  Parking ticket at approximately 6:30 p.m.  Receipt good until 7:30 p.m.  I took many pictures with my cell phone of the parking spot id, the car, the citation, the receipt, the electronic meter with it's current time, and then all those things in all possible combinations.  But Hennepin County told me today they'd dismissed it as it was obvious from the receipt the meter was in err, not my parking skills.  Good reason to keep those little slips of paper.


I went to Cost Cutters to get my hair cut and during my shave, now slightly less tight because Eryn says I look old with a buzz cut and she doesn't like it, making her the first girl to ever influence my haircut, the very short barber reached up high, dipped the razor correspondingly low, and said, "Oops!:" as the machine tried to take a divot out of my head.

I was worried. A bad haircut on me can be easily remedied by tonsure or shaving shorter, but then she assured me, "Oh, it doesn't matter.  The razor just doesn't like it where there isn't any hair."  I'm glad she found the silver lining.