Sunday, October 17, 2010


Last night we went to see the Rockits at the Minnesota Rollergirls event in St. Paul. We hadn't been before, but Eryn's teacher from Tesseract (one of them) is now a roller girl. She goes by the name Salvadore Brawlie (guess what kind of teacher she was/is) and rolls for the Rockits. Four teams play, alternating 20 minute halves. It's very different as far as sports go, which you can gather by watching this video of the intermission.

Yep. Everyone is ON the rink, singing along while a polka band sings Sweet Caroline by Neil Diamond. We also got Ring of Fire (the second reference to that song this weekend), Zicke Zacke, and the bird dance.

Here's Eryn with Salvadore.

And the live action. You can see her by looking for the black and white checkered stockings. They won their first match, although a teammate broke a leg. So it's as potentially violent as it looks.

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