Monday, March 30, 2015


Day three of vacation was the usual for Eryn and me, a trip to Dunn Brothers for morning coffee.  Although it was almost four hours long given all the work I had to catch up on so I could enjoy the rest of the week. I didn't take any pictures, but not surprisingly I have pictures of her sitting in the exact same spot she sat yesterday only a week early.  The only difference is yesterday I sat on the right side of Dunn working at a table instead of the left side of Dunn reading a Stephen King's Revival (great book, by the way). Eryn presumably played Minecraft both times.

So these will suffice to document our day at Dunn Brothers.  Really, most of our days at Dunn Brothers.  I finished the day doing bills and catching up on Table Top episodes I haven't seen (if you stare hard at the back wall this season, Eryn's name is somewhere on one of the bricks).

Zoom, zoom, zoom.

Zoom, zoom, zoom.  Black and white.

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